There was an ad that stood out to me that I saw a couple of weeks ago, of course it wasn’t because it was a beer commercial (TV is full of them) or the celebrity athlete in it. It was the song that played during the commercial actually (Song 2 by Blur). On the other hand after seeing it few times I found it kind of ironic that Lance Armstrong is promoting an alcoholic beverage Michelob Ultra Light.
I doubt there has been any bottles of Michelob Ultra Light that have helped Lance Armstrong win any of the seven Tour de Frances that he won over his career. However I figure that the target audience is suppose to view Lance as a cool guy that would enjoy a beer on the weekend. The rest of the ad portrays people that seem to have some sense of athleticism and that theme is continued with Lance’s spot at the end. The commercial portrays that being athletic is cool. So using common reasoning that most people, who sit drooling in front of their TVs all day, I will become cool and be able to perform amazing feats of athleticism if I drink Michelob Ultra Light beer.
However it is doubtful that this will be the result unless you have shown hidden talents for athletics in the past. I think that the producer of the ad was successful in portraying that it’s cool to drink Michelob Ultra. The shows young energetic people having fun with their lives, in my opinion they put together a very good commercial. Personally I don’t think it is a very good idea to have athletes promote products unless it is something that is connected to the sport that they play. It’s even worse if they have to talk, because most don’t sound the smartest.
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